Last year on one of our visits at Myrtle's, the three of us got on a conversation of apples, chestnuts. & Angels. When we shared some laughs, Myrt got on the subject of buying a digital blood pressure cuff. Myrtle said, I guess this is supposed to work good, so Jim, being the doc he tries to be at times, decided to take Myrt's blood pressure....couldn't get a reading. Tried again, nothing. So Jim said let me try it on myself see if it works, it did just fine. So then Myrtle says for me to try it....after two times it read. Myrt tries again, then Jim tries to get hers again, nothing. So by now she said Jimmy goe outside cuz I'm taking my arm out of my sweater and Jenny can get it....ummm, nope. So then it was onto trying new batteries, still nothing. Well after a soda or two, by now, Jim's getting a bit chilly, so I opened the door & Myrtle yells out Jim get back in here. In comes Jim, who asks, well, did you get the blood pressure? Myrtle & I agreed that her arm was just too tiny to get a pressure reading. We laughed til we called it an afternoon of apples, chestnuts, Angels & Blood pressure cuffs.